'The areas all around the mosques get very busy around prayer time during Ramadan, and there is often traffic chaos on nearby roads and it will be busier on the Underground,' Councillor Ullah told NBCNews.com. Warning: Local councillor Abdal Ullah said
Is Ramadan 2012 starting on Friday ? As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. I pray this finds everyone in the best of states; seeking proximity to Allah Most High and His Beloved ?,. There is simply no chance of a
The Holy month of Ramadan is an extremely important time for Muslims all over the world and although dates can vary by a day depending on where you are in the world it has now begun and will end around August 18.
London 2012 organisers say they have catered for the needs of the 3500 athletes faced with fasting from the early hours of the morning until gone 9pm local time every day. A 24-hour catering service in the athletes village means they will be able to
Mohammed Fanas, 65, demonstrates on July 19, 2012 how he walks through the streets of the Old City in Sidon to wake the sleeping for the “sohour” meal — the last meal before fasting for the coming day during the holy month of Ramadan. (Mahmoud
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