While it may seem hard to believe, this is the 25th year for Shark Week, which aired for the first time in 1988 as a week dedicated to sharks. The first show, which aired on Colossus leaping out of the water in 'Air Jaws Apocalypse' during Shark
What should exhausted Olympics fans do now that the summer games are over? Gear up for the 25th anniversary of Discovery network's "Shark Week," of course!
Shark Week 2012: Goodbye Olympics, hello predators. Posted on August 13, 2012 by. F?r "Air Jaws Apocalypse," ??rt ?f Shark Week 2012, filmmaker Jeff Kurr ??t close t? th? action ?ff Seal Island ?n South Africa. Th? island, known f?r ?t?
For "Air Jaws Apocalypse," part of Shark Week 2012, filmmaker Jeff Kurr got close to the action off Seal Island in South Africa. The island, known for its ubiquitous white shark population, is prime turf for studying and photographing the majestic
Meet Shark Divers CEO – Podcast. Late 2008 Shark Diver CEO spent some time with the radio hosts of Lakefront Radio. Enjoy this Podcast about sharks, conservation and just plain fun.
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