By Sowmya Krishnamurthy. Snoop Dogg has unveiled the trailer for his new documentary "Reincarnated," chronicling his new album of the same name and the transformation into his new Reggae persona Snoop Lion. "F— Snoop DoggAll that sh– be out of
If you thought Snoop Dogg's journey into the Rastafarian culture was a trend, think again. As he prepares to release his 12th studio album, Reincarnated, the veteran rapper's rebirth
"I didn't just want to come here and say I made a record in Jamaica and grew some dreadlocks," insists rapper Snoop Dogg in the trailer for Reincarnated, announced today as an official selection of this year's Toronto
Aug. 1, 2012 – Snoop Dogg now wants to be known as Snoop Lion, after a trip to Jamaica where he was "born again." The rapper admits he's tired of hip-hop, and is releasing a reggae album, "Reincarnated," to be followed by a documentary of the same
If you thought Snoop Dogg's journey into the Rastafarian culture was a trend, think again. As he prepares to release his 12th studio album, Reincarnated, the veteran rapper's rebirth
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