Thursday, 20 September 2012

Talk Like a Pirate Day Books

Happy International Talk Like a Pirate Day! This holiday is one of my favorites, as, due to the nature of my work, it combines my two favorite things: pirates and kitties! How will you be celebrating International Talk Like a Pirate Day? Vote in our

Erebus and Terror, the way it used to be/Promo image. Arrr! Every year we celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day by droppin our g's and v's to save pixels and energy and showing the same graph by Wellington Gray that shows the

One of the things my husband and I have tried to instill into our son, Toby, is a love of maps. My husband is a bit of a map geek, and so sharing this passion was important to him. Whenever we go hiking Toby has his own map, and we always make sure to

Talk Like a Pirate Day Books. Barbara Vey — September 20th, 2012. Yesterday was Talk Like a Pirate Day. I tried it, but without an eye patch, peg leg and parrot on my shoulder, people were kind of looking at me funny. I'll try to be more prepared for

Wednesday was national "Talk Like a Pirate Day" in the United States, and President Barack Obama took note by tweeting a picture of himself talking with a pirate in what appears to be the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House. The photo included


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