Thursday 23 August 2012

Todd Akin's remarks renew clash over language around rape

Todd Akin's recent reference to “legitimate rape” was not the first time the language around rape has triggered a rapid and heated response. House Republicans caused a stir a year ago when they used the term “forcible rape.” Two years ago, Nevada

The latest uproar began when Republican Congressman Todd Akin, who is running for a Senate seat from Missouri, set off an explosion with his response to a radio interviewer's question about abortion rights for rape victims. "It seems to me, first of

Representative Todd Akin has decided to stay in the Missouri senatorial race, bucking the national GOP, which desperately wants him tossed under the bus for the spectacularly stupid “legitimate rape” thing, and you know

Todd Akin may have uttered words that got him in trouble, his actual positions are embraced by many in the mainstream of the Republican Party. Akin voted for a federal marriage amendment twice, just like Paul Ryan and the vast majority of Republicans

American Vision, a Christian nonprofit which seeks to "restore America to its biblical foundation" and to support "Christians apply a Biblical worldview to every facet of society," is accusing Republicans of committing "political gang rape" against Akin.


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